For the billions on this planet who have suffered with any kind of health challenge, this one belongs to you. It is your right to be heard, be taken seriously, and have the freedom to heal.

— Anthony William

I’m Wynke and I transformed myself from being chronically ill with multiple autoimmune conditions to being fully healed as a result of following the Medical Medium lifestyle. I feel super empowered and am living my best, healthiest life right now.

Do you want to feel like this too? I am here to help you implement the Medical Medium lifestyle in an easy, simple and enjoyable way! Together we can set up your or refine your protocol to achieve your health and or beauty goals. Are you ready to transform your life?

Hi! Nice to meet you!

If this is you, you are at the right place:

You feel like you are loosing control over your health

You feel like you have tried everything but without the desired results

You are completely in the dark about what is causing your symptoms

You have been told it is impossible to heal or get better from your symptoms

You intuitively know there are more possibilities to heal than you are told

You want to know the root causes of your symptoms and address them naturally

You want to feel energised and life a joyful life

You want to feel much better and more energized than you do now

You want to look better and love yourself when you look in the mirror

1-1 coaching 

I help you implement the Medical Medium lifestyle step by step. Together we dive into your past and present. Not just in terms of health and what you would like to improve or change but also in terms of environment, circumstances and current lifestyle. Everyone is unique and the goal is to create and set up a protocol specifically designed for you, implemented in a sustainable way so you can keep up without feeling overwhelmed.

  • Client review

    Thank you Wynke! Working with you really gave me a deeper understanding into my childhood and present health challenges and also I am very happy that you showed me how I can do all the Medical Medium protocols with my local ingredients and step by step so that I don’t get overwhelmed by it. Of course your healing story is also a big inspiration for me so I can’t wait to get started. Thank you very much!

    — Spela (34, Tanzania)

  • Client review

    My first session with Wynke felt like a kick-start. Although I already read two Medical Medium books, Wynke helped me in a practical way so that I could really get started. I’m now eight months further and have had several sessions with Wynke for support. Among other things, I was suffering from hair loss and my hair is now slowly growing back! I am so happy! I also feel more energetic, can function better after less sleep and my legs are not tingling that much anymore. My tummy still gets a bit bloated after eating fat or too many different types of food  but I am confident that this too will heal. Patience and perseverance along with some help from Wynke is the formula to recovery. I can’t wait!

    — Susanne (40, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    For a year now I have been struggling with severe brainfog. Regular healthcare couldn’t find anything. All test results came back ‘good’. At some point I got embarrassed to go to the GP because I got the idea that he thought I was all in my head. I dived into natural medicine but after spending a lot of money I was still stuck with my symptoms. On Instagram, I came across Wynke. Her story inspired me and I admired her because she had overcome many symptoms. She gave me advice and most importantly, she dealt with me sincerely, she genuinely sympathised and showed genuine understanding. It is valuable for someone who is ill to have someone who actually understands you. Her expertise, good explanation and sincerity are enough to make this choice. Thank you Wynke!

    — Erdem (Netherlands)

  • Client review

    The other day I had my first session with Wynke, what a nice person she is, from the first moment I felt at ease. She listened carefully to what I said and asked lots of questions. I felt incredibly seen and heard. Sometimes it is very difficult to find someone who really understands you but with Wynke I felt understood. She really takes time for you and doesn’t cut corners. Besides that she is always there for me if I have any questions. She is extremely knowledgeable and really gives tailor-made advice. Of course, everyone has a different lifestyle and she really looked at that! I recommend a session to everyone!

    — Julie (26, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    I contacted Wynke because I wanted to talk to a Medical Medium experience expert as sometimes I couldn’t see the wood for the trees. I found that she is very knowledgeable and that she could guide me well in applying MM information. It’s very nice to talk to Wynke and the information she gave me was very useful. It was exactly what I needed and was looking for! So if you need a bit of a push, or need direction or want to discuss, Wynke is the person to talk to and I can recommend her wholeheartedly!

    — Chantal (43, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    This program has completely changed my life for the better. The knowledge of Wynke and Dimphy is a complete story. It’s structured in a step by step way to prevent you from being overwhelmed by all the changes you are going to have to apply. I can recommend it 100% and I will never go back to my ‘old’ lifestyle. This lifestyle is much more fun

    — Robin (32, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    The plant based healing course is a course made from personal experience. Wynke and Dimphy really show you the way. The course material is clear and inspiring. It is a course for anyone who really wants to take good care of their body. I am grateful this crossed my path.

    — Els (60, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    I experienced my 1 on 1 session with Wynke as very pleasant. She is open, honest and genuinely interested which creates a nice sense of equality. She takes her time and thinks in solutions. This all makes for a very personal approach.

    — Mandy (34, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    Reaching out to Wynke gave me so much hope when I needed it the most. It was so good to talk to someone who went through the same (ulcerative colitis). By sharing her story I got faith in my own healing again. She also gave me helpful advice about how to improve my diet and supplements in order to heal. Thank you Wynke for being an inspiration and for your healing guidance.

    — Katharina (37, Austria)

  • Client review

    I am grateful that Wynke is accompanying me on my healing journey. After 4 months of strict Medical Medium protocol, it is incredibly good to talk to Wynke who has experienced the disease on her own body and healed through Medical Medium protocol. She is incredibly nice, gives great tips and encourages you not to give up. Thank you!

    — Svenja (28, Germany)

  • Client review

    I have been following part of the MM protocol for a year now but what was really missing was chatting with somone who had already done so much healing. I wanted to pick someone’s brain and really get some affirmations that following this was the right thing for me. Being able to speak to Wynke was so helpful.

    — Anna (39, Australia)

  • Client review

    I am very happy that Wynke is helping me in this healing process. She has gone through this herself and understands as no other how it is and feels. She always knows the right words to say and will pull you up when you’re feeling down. She has her heart on her sleeve, something I value highly. I don’t have to give an extensive report because she understands exactly what I am going through. She also listens to you and gives you great tips. Wynke is very grounded and looks at situations very realistically. She also has a killer mindset and I hope to learn more from her.

    — Yvonne (25, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    Without Wynke, I would not have been able to make the translation from books to practical daily routine. Most likely I would have given up or only partially implemented the Medical Medium lifestyle. I’m glad that didn’t happen because after 1 to 1.5 months I started to notice relief in my symptoms. That’s a great win, isn’t it!

    — Ana (42, Netherlands)

  • Client review

    Wynke has to be the kindest person I have met on the internet. I was going through the lowest time due to my health being rock bottom from a supposedly autoimmune condition that none of the doctors knew the reason behind. While looking online for solutions, I came across Wynke’s page and left a comment, not really expecting much. She not only responded but she reached out to me personally, offered me free resources and followed up with me and was always there to reassure me and responded to my many many doubts and queries. While the results took some time to be seen, I had days I was very low in faith but she kept telling me to hang in there. Wynke is literally my internet angel, I cannot be thankful enough and I really recommend her guidance and training to anybody who has been turned away by healthcare and told that their bodies are turning against them and you’ll be living as a sick person for the rest of your life. PS: my hair has gotten pretty long and healthy. Just waiting for it to be even fuller and with more volume than ever before.

    -Ashwaty (32, Abu Dhabi)

  • Client review

    Wynke did such great job helping me in our first session! She gave me great advice about the do’s and don’ts on the Medical Medium lifestyle. She as in-depth knowledge about it and helped me research which foods are accessible / best for use. Her own story also worked very motivating. Seeing and hearing about her results as result of being committed has truly worked as a great motivator or me to start this new health journey. Thanks Wynke!

    -Mirjam (30, Netherlands)