• Empowerment is having answers. Its knowing that your body is not attacking itself. It’s knowing that your genes or hormones are not responsible for your sickness, that you are not a faulty person. It’s knowing that you’re not a bad person either, and that you didn’t create the illness with your mind-set and emotions.

    — Anthony William

  • The hardest part about change, it not making the same choices you made the day before.

    — Dr. Joe Dispenza

The above before and after photos are a result of healing my body from the inside out. It was not my main goal to look better. Looking prettier was a nice side effect of healing and since its impossible to show photos of inside healing, this is the best way to show how changing your diet (inside) affects your looks (outside).

However, if your main goal is to look better as your main concerns are skin issues and hair loss, this is proof that that’s also possible!

My main goal was to heal two autoimmune conditions: ulcerative colitis (later re-diagnosed to Crohn’s disease) and hypothyroidism. The message I got from multiple doctors in multiple hospitals was very clear: you have a chronic autoimmune condition, your body is attacking itself and you will never get better. There is no cure. They told me diet has nothing to do with it (and oh boy are they wrong).

In the beginning of 2020 doctors more or less forced me towards a lifelong treatment plan on immunosuppressants. This is heavy medication with a large list of potential harsh and scary serious side effects. To me the idea of having to take heavy medications till my death felt like the end of my joyful careless life and my freedom. In addition to this I still absolutely did not believe that my body was attacking itself and that there was absolutely nothing I could do myself. Therefore I decided to intuitively refuse the treatment without a clue yet on how to fix myself.

Luckily my sister came into contact with a Dutch doctor who used Medical Medium information among other natural remedies to help his patients heal all kind of different illnesses and symptoms. Back then I had no idea that this was going to be the biggest change of my life. Was I skeptical to try it? Yes quite a bit. But that quickly changed.

I kept reading as I finally got answers. I read why exactly I got sick in the first place. I studied the books and put together my own protocol with great success: within 5 weeks all my inflammation levels were back to normal. There was no trace of ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. I rapidly recovered and it never came back. I am still healed today 4+ years later and I am fully dedicated to the Medical Medium lifestyle. Doctors were speechless but unfortunately not interested in how I healed.

In the year that followed I resolved all my other long-term complaints thanks to this lifestyle: I solved my acne, hair loss, dizziness, brainfog, blurry vision, concentration problems, headaches, migraines, severe menstrual pains, bloating, constipation, night sweats, slow thyroid, heart palpitations and more.

How I am doing today? I have endless energy, my digestion is better than ever, I feel good, sleep better, I have no acne and a head full of shiny healthy hair!

Curious about the details of my own transformation? I once told my story in the Quest for Healing podcast. Look for episode #18, you can find it here.

I also own my own podcast that you can find here but mind you, this one is in Dutch.

Are you ready for it? Let’s change your life(style) together! Sign up for coaching!

Lots of love,


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